I hope you guys all are aware of JSE, JEE, MySQL, spring, Ant, Maven, Eclipse/STS and JavaScript.
Ant plays Main role in Hybris to build the applications as per the templates. After that we need to customize the application based on our requirement.
Before Going to the Targets you need an account in Hybris wiki
Main targets:
activateInstance Activates role's instance given by
-Drole.name and -Dinstance.name parameters.
activateRole Activates role given by -Drole.name parameter.
addonclean Clean addons
addoninstall Install addon
addonuninstall Uninstall addon
all executes ant build and ant server
alltests executes all tests except manualtests and performancetests
(allowed parameters: -Dtestclasses.extensions -Dtestclasses.annotations -Dtestclasses.packages -Dtestclasses.packages.excluded) allwebtests
apidoc build javadoc for all current extensions
bugprooftests executes all bugprooftests
build Builds all extensions
classpathgen Creates a standard platform .classpath file
clean Cleans platform and all extensions
cleanMavenDependencies Deletes all maven dependencies in all extensions
cleanear Cleans ear file
clearAdministrationLock Clears any administration lock, which can be left after unfinsihed system update or initialization.
This will work only for cluster node which acquired such a lock.
clearOrphanedTypes Clears orphaned types after system update.
Syntax: ant clearOrphanedTypes [-DclearInstances=true/false -DclearDeployments=true/false]. Default value for clearInstances is true, default value for clearDeployments is true
codequality executes all codequality tests
commonwebclean Clean common web sources
compileuisrc compile the _ui-src folder in _ui
createConfig If not present creates config folder using template provided by -Dinput.template variable.
createInstance Creates role ${role.name}'s instance given by -Drole.name and -Dinstance.name parameters.
createRole Creates role given by -Drole.name parameter. Uses current config as a base. If -Dclean.config parameter is set to true localextensions.xml and local.properties files will not be copied.
createtypesystem Creates type system tables.
customize Copies all files from '/config/customize' folder to '/bin' folder recursively
deactivateInstance Deactivates instance.
deactivateRole Deactivates role.
deleteInstance Deletes role's instance given by -Drole.name and -Dinstance.name parameters.
deleteRole Deletes role given by -Drole.name parameter.
demotests executes all demotests
deploy Deploys platform to bundled server. Will copy files of config/tomcat or config/tcServer to config folder of configured bundled server.
deployDist Deploys a distribution package to maven repository.
deployDistWithSources Deploys distribution and source packages to maven repository.
dist Creates a distribution
distWithSources Creates distribution and source packages.
droptypesystem Drops type system tables.
ear Builds ear file
executeScript Executes script from file. Syntax: ant executeScript -Dresource=scriptURI [-Dparams="key1=value1,key2=value2"]
(example ant executeScript -Dresource=file:///path/to/script.groovy)
executesql Executes raw sql using the current platform database settings. You must provide a ${sql.file} property!
extensionsxml Generates complete extensions.xml file config/generatedextensions.xml based on current settings of localextensions.xml
extgen Runs extgen
generateLicenseOverview Downloads all third party licenses and generates an overview file
importImpex Import ImpEx from file.
Syntax: ant importImpex -Dresource=/full/path/to/import.impex
initialize Runs an initialization of the specified tenant in stand-alone mode,
using hybris Administration Console default settings.
Syntax: ant initialize [-Dtenant=tenantID -DdryRun=true|false -DtypeSystemOnly=true|false]
installbundle Install bundle
integrationtests executes all integrationtests
jacocoalltests runs allstests with jacoco attached
listRoles Lists roles.
localizationtest executes the localizationtest to see if all types are properly localized
localproperties Appends properties to local.properties
manualtests executes all manualtests
migrate_cockpit_config converts configuration from csv file into proper folder structure
modulegen Runs modulegen
performancetests performancetests
pmd Tests the source code with the pmd rules.
production Creates production environment zip's for hybris Server
runcronjob Performs a cronjob in stand-alone mode.
Syntax: ant runcronjob [-Dcronjob] [-Dtenant]. Use -Dcronjob to pass a CronJob code,
such as -Dcronjob=MyCronJob. Use quotation marks for CronJob codes with spaces, such as -Dcronjob="My Cron Job".
sanitycheck Executes sanity check (db health check, license check, etc...) on current platform
server Configures hybris Server and restart if running
sonar Executes sonar to check all projects with the sonar rules.
sonarsingle Executes sonar to check a single project with the sonar rules.
sourcezip Creates a sourcezip
startAdminServer Starts the hybris AdminServer
startHybrisServer Starts the hybris Server
syncaddons Synchronize addons without touching the appserver
testMavenDependencies Test all maven dependencies in platform and all extensions
typecodetest executes the typecodetest to see if any reserved typecodes are being used
unittests executes all unittests
updateMavenDependencies Updates all maven dependencies in all extensions
updateSpringXsd Converts spring xsd definitions to versionless.
updatesystem Runs an update system of the specified tenant in stand-alone mode,
using hybris Administration Console default settings or the configuration from a given file.
Syntax: ant updatesystem [-Dtenant=tenantID -DdryRun=true|false -DtypeSystemOnly=true|false -DconfigFile=PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE]
webservice_nature Provides webservice nature to selected extension
yunitinit Initializes JUnit tenant
yunitupdate Update JUnit tenant
Default target: all